Water Reclamation

Recycle water for better and more efficient usage

There is a huge opportunity to lower the impact of water usage to the environment and also to significantly lower cost. For example, in industries such as oil and gas which require large volumes of water, reclamation technologies can lower the cost of water by as much as half.

Here’s how we do it.

As part of our integrated services and efforts to a create a pollution-free environment, Dependence Energy is positioned to help industries that want or need to recycle water for better and more efficient usage. There is a huge opportunity to lower the impact of water usage to the environment and also to significantly lower cost. For example, in industries such as oil and gas which require large volumes of water, reclamation technologies can lower the cost of water by as much as half.

Our water reclamation process is designed to offer a customized approach with site inclusion to understand the current process. Then, we offer relevant advice on the best method that will fit the specific case.

We make use of the most effective reclamation technologies for every project, depending on the needs.

Our Methods

Evaporator Technology

We employ the use of technologies like brine concentrator and crystallizer for evaporating water, using heat, and condensing it into pure condensate water. The major advantage of this method is that it makes the water very pure.

Floc and Drop Technology

We use Floc and Drop technology specifically for mineral precipitation. Through this process, we professionally remove oil and other organic materials from water, getting it ready for industrial usage.

Forward Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis Technology

Forward Osmosis is a process by which pure water is separated from dissolved solutes using a semi-permeable membrane and an osmotic pressure gradient. Reverse osmosis, on the other hand, uses hydraulic pressure as the driving force for separation. The benefit of these types of water processing include lower operational and capital costs than some other methods.

Capacitive Deionization

This method uses electrically charged capacitors and forces the precipitation of charged minerals. Capacitive Deionization is mostly used for the desalination of brackish water, and is considered to be very energy-efficient for this purpose.


Electro-Coagulation is a rapidly growing segment due to the process’s ability to remove contaminates in waste water that are more difficult to remove by other means. It achieves this by using electrical plates that are charged in large water baths, participating all minerals and contaminants.

Resin Exchange

In this method, mineral resins are used to exchange poisonous and heavy metal ions with more innocuous ions. The water purity resulting from this method is very high, and for this reason, it is used to produce water for electronics, scientific experiments and the nuclear industry, among other applications.

There are other popular technologies for water reclamation, but we’ve focused on the use of these for consistency and a tailored approach to service delivery. However, we are open to partnerships that will involve the efficient usage of other technologies for water reclamation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What solutions do you provide?

●Plastics to Fuel: We convert post-industrial and post-consumer plastics into low-sulfur petroleum products and residuals through patented plastic conversion facilities (PCFs).

●Tire to Fuel Recycling: Our plants use pyrolysis, or decomposition brought about by high temperatures, to turn used tires into heavy fuels, and even diesel fuel when further refined.

●Water Reclamation: Dedicated to creating a waste-free environment, we work with industries that want to recycle water for better and more efficient usage.

●Power Generation: We also have projects in hydrogen fuel power generation, with an objective to provide reliable power for industrial usage.

●Heat Treating: We are highly skilled in the specialized processes of heat treating, offering additional capacity, unmatched ease of service and cost savings.

How do you process the plastic?

There are many methods used for processing plastic, with each method varying depending on plastic size, type, mix, etc. In our case, we have developed a unique distillation process to get plastic waste converted into reusable energy. The process involves directing hydrocarbons and transforming them into the right lengths of fuel needed.

What are the benefits of water reclamation?

There is a huge opportunity to lower the impact of water usage to the environment and also to significantly lower cost. For example, in industries such as oil and gas which require large volumes of water, reclamation technologies can lower the cost of water by as much as half.

What is heat treating?

Heat treating is a highly specialized process of treating components with various forms of heat to increase the overall quality and durability of the part. It is a vital part of any manufacturing process.

What type of plastics do you accept?

●Post-Industrial Plastic: Plastic manufacturers’ extrudes, filmmakers have color transitions, quality control samples, and mixed plastic lots can all be used in our process.

●Post-Recycled Plastic: Traditional recyclers collect plastic that cannot be recycled, due to mixed types and colors. If your material falls within this group, we can save your landfill fees!

●Municipal Solid Waste Plastic: Waste collected in a multi-stream or single stream still has plastics headed for the landfill. We can take the material if it meets the standards above.

●Landfill and Collection Services: Some collection services may have plastic streams they send to the landfill. Contact us to see if we can reduce your load.

●Post-Commercial Plastic: Commercial and retail groups can bring us their packing materials, post-product plastic drums, and more.

●Plastic That Can No Longer Be Exported: China banned the import of most plastic waste in 2017. Contact us to handle your stacked-up plastics that can no longer be exported.

What about greenhouse gas emissions?

We understand that greenhouse emissions can be just as dangerous as plastics to the environment, and we have developed measures to operate a closed system where hydrocarbons cannot be allowed to escape as a gas.

Syngas, a gas that is rich in hydrocarbon is produced in the process of fuel production. We have machinery in place to recapture it and get it back into our burners to be used as reactors. This not only decreases the hydrocarbons that are released into the environment, but it also reduces our need for natural gas.

How is hydrogen fuel generated?

Hydrogen power is abundantly available using any resource that contains water, and this includes “waste” water, such as gray, contaminated or even frac water. Conventionally, the generation of hydrogen power has been cost-prohibitive, due to the fact that it required high pressure storage that was expensive and also highly dangerous. However, recent technologies have allowed for low pressure storage with high capacity, allowing clean energy to be within reach.

Why allow us to recycle your waste tires?

An estimated 300 million tires are disposed of per year in the United States. These used tires are normally stacked in piles, creating fire hazards. Some of the problems we help solve and avoid with our tire recycling service include:

●Tire stacks create compressional heat friction which can cause combustion.

●Tire fires are difficult to extinguish, pollute the environment, and are expensive to clean-up.

●Water can collect in the tires, creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests, potentially carrying diseases.

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